Photoshop Graphic Design Project Ideas

Hallooo lovely peopleses! ‘Tis I, the Sorceress of Sarcasm and Slayer of Evil Potatoes!

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I was presented with a rather exciting challenge this week- and had the loveliest time designing a few picture-collages for my blog!

The first one I finished is an autographed print-style poster of myself- and it’s probably my favourite (visually) out of all of them. ^^

le poster

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The next one I actually really want to make real-

le stickers

I made a STICKER SHEET!!! Or tried to anyway… Obviously this will not simply print as really stickers… but maybe someday I can make them real…

Though if I do make them real I would probably remove the watermark…

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And finally- my personal favourite (as far as content) is…

le vogue

Myself on the cover of a Vogue magazine!

Have I ever touched a Vogue magazine?

Lol no.

Do I know anything about Vogue?

Also no! : D

Do I plan on ever changing that?

Probably not.

I just thought this would be funny- also I ran out of ideas…

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Anyway, that’s all I’ve got to share today! T-t-f-n, ta-ta- for-now!

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