OfficalPoster: Draft One


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So as I said before- I’ve been working on a poster print compiling some of my best work!

All I have for now is a rough draft- But I’d like to share it for feedback anyway ^^


Now I’m really not content with it- I’d like to add more versions of myself but I need to take some more pictures…

I’m purposely looking create and upward flow- starting from the helmet and moving to the top- I also wish to add some reflections and sunbeams as I did here-

I especially like the glow here : )

I also quite like the signature- I think I will incorporate it into my final piece- I’ve never created such a compilation before- and I am quite excited to refine it.

In this process I was especially inspired by movie promotional posters- such as the Marvel movie posters. Especially with the layering and overlapping of different characters- I tried to capture their masterful combining of many different characters but I have a lot of improvements to make.

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I took all the pictures I used myself- and edited them to my taste- but unfortunately that made my life a lot harder…

I spent a lot of time trying to properly cut out myself from my pictures- But I have a tendency to blend myself into the background- which led to many tears and other issues. BUT I think next round I will retake the pictures I want to cut and make sure I stand out enough for the magic brush to sense what I do and do not want to cut out. Even the polygon and magnet tools caused my much grief because they just couldn’t sense what I was trying to pick and what I was not trying to pick.

I normally edit in clipart studio- so trying to edit in photoshop was a huge challenge, especially because I had to figure out completely new ways of creating the effects I wanted… But I think I did a decent job. I was able to find a lot of easy to follow tutorials online- which helped a ton.

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that is all I’ve got to share today! T-t-f-n, ta-ta- for-now!

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